Support for HMC BIOS updates

Hardware Management Console

Support and downloads

Support for POWER based ppc64 or ppc64le HMC Firmware updates

For use with the following HMC Machine Type/Model. IBM recommends updating firmware to the latest version available.

HMC MTMPackage downloadFirmware update info
7063-CR1V3.xRead install instructions

Support for V7, V8, & V9 HMC BoMC updates

For the following HMC Machine Type/Models (MTMs) IBM recommends updating the firmware with the following BoMC images to ensure critical fixes are installed.

HMC BoMC updates
HMC MTMPackage downloadBoMC update info
7042-CR9CR9BoMC_IMM540_uEFI311_DSA105_FC.isoRead install instructions
7042-CR8CR8BoMC_IMM720_uEFI300_DSA954_FC.isoRead install instructions
7042-CR7CR7BoMC_IMM720_uEFI300_DSA954_FC.isoRead install instructions

Support for V7 HMC BIOS updates

The following HMC Machine Type/Models (MTMs) require that the following BIOS level is installed before you upgrade the HMC to HMC V7R7.3 or greater.

HMC BIOS updates
HMC MTMPackage downloadBIOS update info
7042-CR5D6E148B.ISORead install instructions

Support for V6 HMC BIOS updates

The following HMC Machine Type/Models (MTMs) require that you obtain and install the latest BIOS before upgrading your HMC to HMC V6R1.0 or greater.

HMC BIOS updates
HMC MTMPackage downloadsBIOS update info
7315-C01 20KT46A.EXE Read install instructions
7315-C02 24KT55A.EXE Read install instructions
7315-C03 2AKT51A.EXE Read install instructions
7310-C03 2AKT51A.EXE Read install instructions